Meditation Courses







 Meditation courses in Worcestershire


Reach a Higher Level of Consciousness

What Is Meditation?

Meditation is different from relaxation because it involves concentration on an object such as: the breath, a mantra, an image. Helping the mind to become focused on one thing. i.e. one-pointed. When this is achieved we are able to experience a sense of timelessness, and while we are in this state we may experience feelings of happiness, and that we are part of something much bigger.

In today's modern world we are bombarded with stimulants. Meditation is learning how to rein in your senses, so that you can choose whether or not you want to be involved with the distractions from the environment both around you and within you. By learning how to rein in your senses you will experience less stress, better sleep and a focused mind.

If you would like to book a meditation course or yoga class in Redditch, Worcestershire, or online, please get in touch with me at Sharon Gisbourne Yoga.

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Meditation Course

The course works really well online via Zoom and I encourage people to attend this way. However, I do have a limited number of places at my home yoga room  nr. Asda in Redditch. It is comprised of six 1 hour sessions (next course starts 10th June 2024). During the six sessions we will take time to dispel some common myths and explore what meditation really is. We will discuss and find active solutions to things that may prevent us from having a "good" meditation experience, such as sitting well and dealing with distractions.

Useful techniques to prepare for meditation, asansa and breathing practices will be taught alongside various practices of meditation that may used as "tools" of concentration. I'll give you lots of opportunities to find the right method for you.

Here are what some previous attendees say about the course:

Diane Ireston: I recommend this course highly. I have learnt a lot more about what meditation  really is and happy I am starting to achieve more calm and peace in my life thanks to Sharon's tutoring.

Katie: Thank you very much Sharon. I've really enjoyed the course and it is certainly helping me. 

Martin: Sharon always runs well-organised and delivered, - but still very accessible and gentle sessions.  Participants receive care and support, so feel safe and confident to explore new wellbeing techniques for mind and body.

If you would like to book the meditation course or yoga class in Redditch, Worcestershire, or online, please get in touch with me at Sharon Gisbourne Yoga.

Express your interest and we'll let you know more details about the next course.

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Why Would I Want to Meditate?

I would say that meditation can improve a person's outlook on life. It may make you feel calmer and more in tune with the world and those around you. It might lower your stress levels, and may improve the quality of your sleeping pattern. You will gain more energy and clarity of thought, so that you become more efficient in daily life and don't get so involved with trivial matters. When you realise that small matters of irritation are just that, they don't consume so much of our energy. We can then focus on what really matters and not become overwhelmed!


How Long Will It Take to Be Able to Meditate?

It most likely won't happen overnight. However, practice makes the experience happen. Therefore daily practice is good, building up the time slowly. Over time it will become something that you do every day and become normal. The body and mind will become more receptive and used to the idea that it is time to meditate. It will be a different experience for each person; some people may feel benefits straight away while others may take longer.

What Immediate Benefits Might Occur When Starting to Meditate?

  • You may feel calmer just because you are taking the time to sit and allow yourself some time out.
  • Your posture may improve because of sitting well and breathing, which releases tension from the body and mind.
  • You may start to experience better sleep.
  • You may use breathing to calm yourself if you experience a stressful situation.


Meditation in Worcestershire




“I have practised yoga with Sharon from the time I was diagnosed with arthritis in my hips. A full hip replacement on the cards I consulted with Sharon. We worked on a strength and flexibility programme before the op. After my 10 weeks of recovery Sharon and I worked for some weeks building up my movement, flexibility and stretching out the trauma of the surgery. I will consult with Sharon when the other hip needs surgery.

Wishing to expand my knowledge. I joined Sharon's meditation class. Starting with learning to sit. Sounds strange, but having pins and needles half way through is no fun. Calming your breath and slowing down your hectic mind, was a joy. Taking time to slow down is a wonderful tonic.”

Sue Jackson




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If you would like to book a meditation course or yoga class in Redditch, Worcestershire, or online, please click below. For more information get in touch with me at Sharon Gisbourne Yoga.

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